
Smoking Cessation – What Is Bioresonance?


Bioresonance smoking cessation therapy is a safe, painless and holistic therapy. It was developed in Germany over 30 years ago and is now used by many hospitals & practitioners worldwide.

More and more information is now available about this form of treatment on the Internet however, the principle behind this process is one of detecting and altering the frequency information with which cells communicate with each other. Each cell and organ in the body emits a specific frequency although addictions, ill health, pollens, and allergies can alter these all important frequencies.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation Technology - Bicom 2000

Our cutting edge equipment called the BICOM 2000 picks up these frequencies, modifies them and returns them to the body which will normalise energetic imbalances

For example, a toxin such as nicotine, pollen etc, entering the body has disturbed frequency patterns, which interfere with the body’s own regulatory powers and in turn impair its normal functions. The BICOM will read the dis harmonic frequencies and transform them to harmonic frequencies, thereby canceling out any imbalance.

Bioresonance therefore enhances the body’s own regulation and detoxification which is the single most important part of any healing method.

For many years this process has helped thousands of people throughout the world become addiction free, allergy /hayfever free and pain free as well as helping people to lose weight

Apart from the obvious health issues, smokers are beginning to feel outcasts but Bioresonance smoking cessation therapy can help you stop smoking and has an impressive 90% success rate. As mentioned, nicotine has a negative charge over the body and the BICOM 2000 reads this charge and sends the body a positive charge to cancel the negative frequency

When you stop smoking nicotine is eliminated from the body within 4 days .The energetic pattern of nicotine however, hangs around a lot longer and still makes you crave but with the Bioresonance treatment this targets the detoxification of all the toxic ingredients (over 4000 in a single cigarette), and gives you a great detox as well as eliminating any cravings.

Remember, our smoking cessation treatment has helped thousands of the heaviest smokers and even the weakest willed of people to quit smoking for good.


Categories : About Bioresonance